Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Yes, the Osborne 'curse' has been lifted--just kidding, but we are rejoicing in the Lord at the birth of our new son, Owen Michael. He was born June 1 and was a good 8.3lbs and 19 1/2" long. And yes, everybody shut up about the Nike hat already!! The girls love him and are going to make him tough quickly.


James Lane said...

Congratulations Scott! We are rejoicing with you in the greatness of our God. We are thrilled for you and look forward to seeing how God will use Owen to further the Kingdom of his Son. Cograts again... and I happen to like the Nike hat.

AnneB said...

Congrats to you all! I was just wondering how Chelle was doing earlier this week. Glad to hear everything went good and you have finally produced a man child to carry on the Osborne name! We just found out we are expecting Brumbaugh baby #2 and we had decided to name the baby Owen if it was a now that it's taken...we go back to the name game!